Stone Paneling | Stone Floors | Stone Constructions
Koropiou - Aerodromiou Avenue - +30 2106026260 -

Aged Stone Floors

By following current requirements of dwelling and with respect to the identity of each architectural construction, GR STONE designed a series of floors created from natural stones that combine technology and tradition, modern design and traditional forms, as well as past and present, uniting the traditional architecture with the modern perspective.

That way we are able to create internal and external stone surfaces of ecological aged rocks in a variety of colors and sizes. These rocks retain all their natural finish due to proper aging. In the same way colors and textures are provided by nature, we make sure our creations exude nostalgia of older days.

Aged Stone Floors Venice

Aegean Aged Stone Floors

Aged Stone Floors Yellow

Aged Stone Floors Halkidikis

Graphite Aged Stone Floors

Aged Stone Floors GRECIO

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